Islamophobia on Main Street

“Consider this a checkpoint!” – Oh, it’s a checkpoint all right: the point where we get handed the check.

Original story: | Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2010

How much does this murder attempt differ from the actions of a flight attendant who easily could have been shooting off a gun rather than his mouth? Oh wait a second, you mean little Mikey Enright the Cabbie Stabber doesn’t deserve a reality show? Read more

RoboScarab, the Little Grave-Robber that Could

Egyptian Pyramid Spelunked, Silly ‘ol Mystery Debunked: Welcome to another case of, just ‘cause we can, doesn’t mean we should.

Original story: | Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2010

Not unlike the Large Hadron Collider and the hunt for the God Particle, (short for “goddamn particle” because of the difficulty in proving its existence), isn’t elbowing our way into a pyramid the very essence of disenchanting? Read more

Bitch Shouldn’t Have Made So Much Money!

If it’s easy to label, it’s easy to excuse

Original story: | Monday, Aug. 16, 2010

Christin Munsch, a sociology PhD candidate at Cornell University, recently went before the American Sociological Association in Atlanta to explain the findings of her six-year study of married and cohabitating (straight) couples: that a woman making more money than her man can threaten Read more