Girls Gone Wild is not Empowerment

Karen Owen uploaded a comparative list of her sexual conquests at Duke University, replete with names, pictures, transcripts, and explicit details. Let’s play Kick-the-Can with her excuse!

Original story: Wall Street Journal| October 8th, 2010

Karen Owen’s opening rationalization for her behavior is of the, “But the boys did it first!” variety – in other words about as infantile as it gets. Read more

Could CNN Kill Us All?

WaPo Columnist Gerson Scores Laser-guided Bullseye with Comments on would-be Qur’an Burner’s Canonization by Corporate-owned, Internet-dreading Journalists. But first: GIANT SCHMUCKS ARE PLANNING A MEGA-BUDGET, FEATURE-LENGTH VERSION OF THE FALL GUY!

Ok, wait: I urge you to read Michael Gerson’s column, but in case you’re too busy or drunk, here are select quotes you can use the next time some fool in-law starts blathering about who should burn which King James edition of the Qur’an or where in Dubai Afghan President Hamid Karzai spends his U.S. taxpayer dollars. Read more

The Public Face of Booger Sugar: Drug Cartels to Sponsor Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton proposes Ground Zero NarcoCartel Memorial Statue to honor fallen heroes

Original Story: | Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010

Sound silly? Why? Shouldn’t Mexico’s drug cartels be sending Paris Hilton ‘Thank You’ bouquets and paying her legal fees right about now? Read more