“But I Shot a Man in Reno…”

Go ahead and try to not watch this clip all the way to the end. I dare you.

If you were one of the millions of American kids who grew up playing some variation of “cops and robbers,” ten to one no one expected you to always want to be a cop. For a nation as likely to mythologize its anti-heroes as much as its heroes, no wonder both sides have their appeal.

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Apocalypse Hoosegow Part III: L.A. Sheriff’s Vengeance University

The most gruesome prison movie couldn’t depict daily life in L.A.’s Men’s Central Jail, where I was lost for months.

Kickoff article: L.A. Weekly

Everything about the L.A. Men’s Central Jail – and I mean everything, from the hand-picked Catholic chaplains pressured to keep quiet, infirmary services, kitchens, visiting policies, and all conditions Read more

The Conceit of Guilt Trips

Actor Lane Garrison begins promotion of NBC drama ‘The Event’ by getting that vehicular manslaughter stuff “absolutely, 100 percent” out of the way – on NBC.

Original story: CNN Entertainment

Lane Garrison served a 22-month sentence for manslaughter resulting from the death of a passenger riding in a vehicle driven by the intoxicated actor. Read more

Apocalypse Hoosegow, Part II

Part II of a series wherein we follow Federal Receiver J. Clark Kelso “up the river” of prison health costs

The parting shot in our first installment focused on the current rate of spending in California prisons and the fact that there’s no excuse for letting Federal Receiver J. Clark Kelso keep his job rather than hiring someone who will stand up for taxpayers. Read more