There’s No Excuse for Limiting 9/11 to Hero Worship

Are 9-11 Remembrance Festivals really latent Islamophobia picnics?

Those that serve only to indoctrinate – yes.

NintendoYou’ve got your 9-11 ceremonies and your 9-11 family fun runs, silent auctions, parades, Karaoke, walkathons, crafts for the kids, food, refreshments, and for some groups, even mock CSI investigations with clues, evidence, and presumably “perps.” (I wonder what they look like at a 9-11 festival.)

You can be outraged at my questioning this stuff, but you can’t be offended by my asking why these events rarely include educational opportunities to broaden our understanding of cultures other than our own. Yes-yes, I understand it was Western culture that took a hit that morning, but number one, ours wasn’t the only culture to be irreversibly affected, and number two, not every follower of Islam is hiding Boeing 747 wiring diagrams. So what’s the excuse? Where’s the booth that explains to young people what the Koran is, and who reads it?

Of Connecticut’s Wethersfield 9-11 memorial picnic, a Richard M. Keane Foundation spokesperson told a local paper, “It’s a nice family evening, and a time to remember in a positive way. It’s a looking-for-the-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel kind of theme. I think it’s a great way for people to share the day and remember, but also enjoy their families.”

Absolutely. And familiar sentiments all –– the physical and emotional scars of 9-11 are indeed part of America’s social fabric. I’m just asking why it has to be limited to only those. Why can’t it also be used as a teaching tool (and an ounce of prevention)? Limiting these festivals to only “our side” and our understanding is dangerously restrictive in terms of dealing with those suspicious or distrustful of our way of life. Even from a tactical military standpoint, a soldier would question why we’re dismissing “the other guy.” Must hearts and minds always be won after America has put itself above those with whom it seeks to gain favor? Read more

Victory in Real Time

No matter what your opinion of President Obama, his Bin Laden announcement represented what Americans and much of the rest of the world longs for: a sense of U.S. accomplishment.

Original story: CNN

No matter where you look, or from which country you’re looking, Americans have become accustomed to bad news while simultaneously more ‘n’ more distrustful of each other. Read more

Could CNN Kill Us All?

WaPo Columnist Gerson Scores Laser-guided Bullseye with Comments on would-be Qur’an Burner’s Canonization by Corporate-owned, Internet-dreading Journalists. But first: GIANT SCHMUCKS ARE PLANNING A MEGA-BUDGET, FEATURE-LENGTH VERSION OF THE FALL GUY!

Ok, wait: I urge you to read Michael Gerson’s column, but in case you’re too busy or drunk, here are select quotes you can use the next time some fool in-law starts blathering about who should burn which King James edition of the Qur’an or where in Dubai Afghan President Hamid Karzai spends his U.S. taxpayer dollars. Read more

Qur’an Burning and You

If you’re angry or disturbed over those myopic cabbage heads in Florida who plan to burn a Qur’an or two (hundred), maybe your counterpart exists in a country where our flag is burned.

Original story: | September 9th, 2010

Seriously, isn’t it possible that your kindred spirit in Iran, Somalia, or Pakistan is shaking his or her head over news reports of fellow countrymen desecrating the Stars and Stripes? Read more

Islamophobia on Main Street

“Consider this a checkpoint!” – Oh, it’s a checkpoint all right: the point where we get handed the check.

Original story: | Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2010

How much does this murder attempt differ from the actions of a flight attendant who easily could have been shooting off a gun rather than his mouth? Oh wait a second, you mean little Mikey Enright the Cabbie Stabber doesn’t deserve a reality show? Read more